Metallic Spray Paint on Wood Furniture

Metallic Spray Paint on Wood Furniture

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I'll show you how to use metallic spray paint for furniture. My techniques for spray painting wood furniture are so simple! Spray painting is one of the easiest way to paint furniture.Today I'one thousand going show you how to spray pigment furniture using metallic spray paint.

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If yous've ever wondered how to spray paint furniture, this is the tutorial for you!  I really love using metallic spray paint for furniture because it's and then piece of cake to use.  I don't sand the furniture when I apply spray paint because it's so durable that it's usually not necessary.  I think the hardest part is choosing a colour!

For this project I had a little trouble deciding what spray paint I would use.  I wanted to spray pigment these bar stools that nosotros picked up at a thrift store since the colour actually doesn't go with our home decor at all.  We have a lot of stainless steel and black in our kitchen with  brown and tan counters and our dining room table is black.  The stools sit down right in betwixt the two rooms.  Brownish, black, white or silver would just blend in too much.  One time I saw this metallic aureate spray paint, I knew it was the one!Opens in a new tab.

How spray pigment furniture:

  1. The first thing that absolutely has to be washed is cleaning your furniture with a cleaner that will take off any oils and residueOpens in a new tab. .  When you're using metallic spray paint for furniture, whatsoever little pucker or flaw volition prove.  And then please don't skip this footstep!
  2. Allow your furniture to dry for a few minutes to be sure it's actually good and dry after using the cleaner.
  3. Yous can use a primer at this point if you lot wish, but in my experience, it's not usually necessary when spray painting forest furniture.  Plus, we don't utilize these stools all that much.  Be sure yous put it on in a thin and fifty-fifty glaze.  If at that place are drips in this coat, they'll evidence through the metal coat too.
  4. Next, information technology's fourth dimension for the metallic paint(or whatsoever spray paint y'all want to use)!  Spray your entire piece of article of furniture with a thin, even coat of paint.  Be sure to get all of the nooks and crannies!
  5. After your first coat of spray paint dries, it'southward time for a second glaze.  Again, you lot want a thin, fifty-fifty glaze.  At this point you'll accept to determine if y'all have full coverage on your entire piece of article of furniture.  Mine needed a 3rd glaze because I was spraying outside in the wind.  So it was still splotchy after two coats. Spray pigment a third coat if necessary.

Tips for how to spray pigment piece of furniture:

  • To go an even coat without drips, hold the tin almost 10 inches from your piece of furniture.
  • To too avoid drips when getting in the corners and nooks, exercise not take your finger off the sprayer.  Keep at your 10 inch altitude and continue spraying.  I find when I have my finger off of the sprayer, it's hard to control the pigment when I press it over again.  This normally results in a splotch or drip.  If you do take your finger off the sprayer, kickoff spraying again on your plastic sheeting and and then go back to spray painting your piece of furniture without removing your finger from the sprayer.  This way you can get the pressure and altitude right earlier you commencement spraying the furniture again.
  • Give at least 20 minutes drying time between coats.  If you're like me, this is difficult considering I only desire to go the project done.  In that location's no mode to have a perfect finish on your furniture if you rush information technology.  So be patient!
  • Be certain to cover EVERYTHING around your work area to protect from overspray.  When you are spray painting article of furniture, yous'll be moving at different angles and tin end upwards spraying things you didn't realize would get sprayed.  Unfortunately, I know this from feel!
  • When spray painting wood piece of furniture, be certain to have into consideration the finish that you want. If y'all decide non to utilise the metallic spray pigmentOpens in a new tab. for furniture, there are a huge variety of colors with glossy, matte, glitter, etc. finishes.  The options are countless when it comes to spray painting these days!

I admittedly dearest the color that my bar stools turned out!  It's the perfect finish, not too mirror-like.  It's almost got a little sparkly await to it, simply not glittery.  Exactly the look I was hoping for and the colour is perfect for where they are placed in our habitation!

I really promise this guide for how to spray paint piece of furniture has been helpful!  Delight share it!  I would besides love to see your spray painting projects!  Tag me on InstagramOpens in a new tab. in something you spray painted that was inspired past this post!

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I'll show you how to use metallic spray paint for furniture. My techniques for spray painting wood furniture are so simple! Spray painting is one of the easiest way to paint furniture.

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Metallic Spray Paint on Wood Furniture

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